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Undergraduate Program Requirements

  • All courses must be taken for a minimum letter grade of C-
  • A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for graduation
  • Minimum credit hours: 48 (36 economics, 12 allied)
    • At least 18 economics credits must be completed at the University of Utah

Economics Core

Must complete the six core courses listed below. More course details at catalog and schedules.

Pre-requisite: MATH 1090 preferred or MATH 1050

  • ECON 3620 Mathematics for Economists
  • ECON 3640 Probability and Statistical Inference for Economists (QB)

  • ECON 4010 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis (QI)
      • Pre-requisite: ECON 2010, ECON 2020, and ECON 3620.
  • ECON 4020 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis (QI)
      • Pre-requisite: ECON 2010, ECON 2020, and ECON 3620.

Theory Application

View the general catalog for complete course listing and descriptions. Consult with your academic advisor to determine which courses in which to enroll. 

Listed below are recommended electives and exemplary tracks that feature specific economic topics. Please select four electives that fit your interests and goals and then meet with your academic advisor to create your plan for graduation. elective courses must be a combination of two 5000 level electives, along with either two 3000 level electives or one 3000 level elective and one 2000 level elective.

 Study macroeconomic theory and policy at the national and international level. Key topics concern recurring macroeconomic crises such as the Great Recession of 2008, their effects around the world, and appropriate policy responses.

ECON 3200 Money and Banking

ECON 3500 International Economics

ECON 3380 Manias, Panics, and Crashes


ECON 5500 Monetary Theory and Policy

ECON 5510 International Monetary Relations

ECON 5520 Multinational Firms

ECON 5530 Principles of Economic Development

ECON 5550 International Trade and Policy

The Department of Economics offers a number of courses in microeconomic theory and policy. Topics range from the accessibility of health insurance to the effect of NAFTA on the US economy, thus covering the central policy issues of the times. 


ECON 3150 Sex, Drugs, and Crimes

ECON 3190 Intro to Health Economics

ECON 3250 Intro to Environmental Economics

ECON 3540 Current Economic Problems

ECON 3700 Sports Economics


ECON 5190 Health Economics

ECON 5250 Environmental Economics

ECON 5300 Public Finance

ECON 5330 Game Theory for the Social Sciences

ECON 5360 Industrial Organization

ECON 5370 Economics of Collective Action

ECON 5550 International Trade and Policy

 This track allows you to investigate in detail the causes and consequences of persistent inequalities  in all its dimensions, and its connections to economic development, sustainability, and the environment. 

ECON 3150 The Economics of Sex, Drugs and Crimes

ECON 3190 Introduction to Health Economics

ECON 3250 Intro to Environmental Economics


ECON 5170 Feminist Economics

ECON 5180 Poverty and Inequality

ECON 5250 Environmental Economics

The discipline of economics studies societal production and the distribution of goods and services. The debates on how to best arrange for that have revolved around recurring themes. Studying in the history of ideas in economics, and economic history itself, provides deep insights that can show the way forward. 


ECON 3100 Labor Economics

ECON 3250 Introduction to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics 

ECON 5400 Middle East Economic History

ECON 5420 China and the Global Economy

ECON 5430 Asian Economic History and Development

ECON 5530 Principles of Economic Developement

ECON 5080 Marxian Economics

ECON 5540 Capitalism and Socialism

Economics emphasizes the sort of rigorous logic essential to legal studies. A large and increasing number of legal issues pertain to economic problems, both within and between firms and society at large. This track features courses that highlight those connections. 


ECON 5120 Labor Law and Collectiive Bargaining 

ECON 5300 Public Finance

ECON 5360 Industrial Organization 

ECON 5370 Economics of Collective Action

ECON 5380 Law and Economics

Select 2 areas of the 3 below and complete one class for those two sections.


Pre-requisites: ECON 3640

ECON 4650 Principles of Econometrics (QI)


ECON 5060 History of Economic Doctrines

ECON 5080 Marxian Economics


ECON 5400 Middle East Economic History

ECON 5420 China and the Global Economy

ECON 5430 Asian Economic History and Development

ECON 5470 Industrialization and Economic Development: The American Case (CW)

      • Prerequisites: ECON 2010 and ECON 2020

Select 4 courses (minimum of 12 credits) within pre-approved colleges and programs.

Contact your Academic Advisor for more information. 

Last Updated: 2/27/25